Friday, December 23, 2011

A Happy Miracle!!!

The entire process from conception of the idea to write my story, until the time it was actually published has been incredibly interesting to say the least.  I really wasn't sure that this was every going to happen, mainly because I wasn't sure that I wanted to tell the story to the world.  Growing up in a country where I always felt that I had to present the best of myself to make a "good impression."  Suddenly, I open up and tell a story that reaches into the very depth of my soul. 
This has truly been a dire completion to Volume I of Mangrove Roots Chronicles.  Since I didn't publish when promised, evertything you could think of came up to throw a monkey wrench into the process.   I will not go over the whole scenerio, but I will say that finally, the publishing company completed the corrections, and I am now in the process of checking the outlay galley for errors.  I will be returning it to them on Monday for release on December 26th, and thereafter await the printed copy for my review.  I am really looking forward to that day.

This means that the book will be available to readers sometime in early January.  I decided to ride with the tide and stop throwing up resistance of any sort.  So we are here.  I will post updates as needed, and continue blogging. Please...I want to hear from my audience.  Please follow the blog and feel free to start discussions on any questions or queries about the book.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Author's Reflection - Book released December 2011!

I realize that I may have disappointed a few of you who have been waiting for this book.  In a way, I disappointed myself a number of times during this process as I failed to meet deadlines.  On the other hand, everything has it's season. Most of the times we impose time limitations on ourselves to complete some task or the other, and usually something comes up that take us off course.  The important thing is getting back to our tasks and focusing on our dreams.

The process of getting this book out was daunting in many ways. A few people who I included in the narrative have since passed away, and a few important characters are ailing and going through tough times.  However, I finally stopped fixing and correcting...that could go on forever.  I just wanted to give my readers a book worthy of their time and money.  A book that would bring laughter and tears, triumphs and tragedies...a book about life. This book is pretty much self-published with the help of a generous organization that has really put up with me over the course of our business relationship.  I am happy to say that it is done! 

I feel that there is a whole lot  more I would have loved to share with you in this book, but time and circumstances would not allow it.  If I had taken the time to do add all the situations that rolled around my head, and sometimes just hit me suddenly and I remember. This is why my goal is to publish a second edition and release it along with Mangrove Roots Chronicles, Volume II...perhaps as a set.

Today is Sunday, December 18, 2011 (a couple days before my birthday), and I should see the first copy of the book sometime this week. Mangrove Roots Chronicls will hit the shelves for sure in this month.  I more corrections.

Kaya Aka Wanajiru Uhuru/the author

Thursday, December 8, 2011



My intention in writing this book is to share my experience of life in Belize, as well as enlighten readers about the country. That part was a bit tricky, because I had to include informational text and keep my audience connected to the story.  I discussed the climate, the physical geographical aspects of the country, the different people (Mayans, African Creoles, Garinagus, Indians, Metizos, etc.), and interactions with the different customs and traditions.  I wrote about life in Pomona Valley, Dangriga where I lived since I was born;  my family's journey to Corozal, then moving to Hattieville soon after it was built.  I couldn't help but remember the Hattieville ghost, the snakes that seemed to be everywhere, and life in that village for my family.  My journey brought me and my family to central Belize City at a young age, and later on to Yarborough.  I inserted my story by telling of personal experiences, invariably expressing my viewpoints to connect the reader with that girl growing up at Yarborough. I related to the readers some of her trials, tribulations and triumphs, as she learned to reach for a higher power for hope, strength and fortitude to keep going when the odds were piled up against her.  I honored many of the people that touched my life by mentioning life encounters with them.  My experience at St. John's primary school, St. Hilda's College, where my educational foundation was laid, was a major part of the journey, and  where I had most difficulty narrating the story, because I felt that in order to connect with my readers, I needed to be honest.  The emergence of the United Black Association for Development (UBAD) political group played a major role in my life, in terms of awakening annd enlightment, and I still don't think that I have written everything about that segment of my life.  However, I wind up rewriting most of Part II over the past year, while doing that last edit.  I am now a little nervous about how this book will be received by those people who are close to me.
Love and Light

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mangrove Roots Chronicles Sent to Publishers

Finally!!! I sent the manuscript off for publishing today, November 27, 2011.  I am satisfied with the corrections I made, and feel that it is time to get this book out to readers.  I will keep you posted to let you know when it will be available in the bookstores and online.  Since it is already layed out for printing, I should have a book in my hand for proofing within the week, and approximately one week later, they will be made available for sale.  This means they should be ready for my readers before the middle of December.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mangrove Roots Chronicles - Release Update.

I have returned to my manuscript, doing most of the editing and correcting myself. The last year has been quite harrowing for the most part.  Completed some college courses that I needed for my professional certification for teaching. A woman has to work. Right? :-)  Nevertheless, I know quite a number of people are waiting for the release of this book.  I plan on having the book in bookstores by October 15, 2011.  Nothing can stop me now!  Providence is really amazing - allowing me the privilege of writing during these changing times.

The plan is to publish the first edition of parts one and two in Volume I, and later, publish a second edition with other changes.  Volume II will be in the bookstores by June 2011.  May God give me the courage to fulfill these projections.