About Book

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Mangrove Roots Chronicles Vol. I
 This site was specifically created to update my followers on the making of Mangrove Roots Chronicles.  The purpose of this book is share stories from my life growing up in British Honduras as a young girl, from age four through eighteen.  Written in four parts, this book and being published in two volumes.   Mangrove Roots Chronicles Volume One released in April 2012, constitutes Part I titled: I Wonder, and Part II titled: Emerging from the Mangrove.  This volume is very historical as it chronicles major trends that forged the development of the nation of modern Belize.  The biographical timeline of this book ranges from birth in 1955 to 1972 when I graduated from high school, while the historical timeline reaches back to the fall of the Mayans and the populating of a small swampland that was later colonialized under the British Crown.  Volume I also pays tribute to the beauty of the tropical landscape, introducing readers to the exotic fauna and flora and topography of Belize. 

Volume II, which is scheduled to be published by December 2012 consists of Part III and Part IV, which cover my life after high school as a responsible adult, and my exodus from British Honduras to seek greater things.   This makes it a very different book from the first volume.  I candidly speak of my journey into adulthood, pondering on cycles I recognized as they occurred that  I believed  hindered my capacity for prosperity.  Part III takes the reader through the a very important stage of development from late teens through early twenties.  Journey with me as I tried to find myself during those critical years as I moved away from my childhood memories and build a life around my job as a civil servant, and taking care of  my little family.  Part IV is focused on my exodus from Belize to make a better life in the United States. Take a ride with me in a brand new Cadillac as I leave my country behind and journeyed through Mexico to the US.  Although historical because of the description of the times, Volume II focuses on my personal growth as I waded knee-deep in insecurities and doubts, so reminicent of those particular adolescent years of development.

Downtown Belize
Author's Reflection:

As you can see, I did not meet my deadlines.  Another reason why I suggest to aspiring writers not to be hard on themselves.  But I finally finished it.  I am seeking someone to work with me to get Volume II ready by December 2012.